Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Stop Forest Fires in the Mountains this Summer.

(3 km wide forest fire, at night, in the Almora Hills, Kumaon, India.)
With the approaching summers, the Forest Departments in the hills are gearing up to tackle forest fires.

(A fire getting out of control near a village close to Mukteshwar in Kumaon Hills, India.)
Careless hikers, campers & local villagers could spark a menacing, life threatening situation to wildlife and humans. Precious trees and vegetation are lost in the blaze.

(Hikers looking at a distant forest fire near Shimla, India.)
The sight has become common in and around pine forests, where careless sparks from a campfire or cigarette-butts could ignite fallen pine-cones, pine-needles and bark saturated with combustible resin.

This leopard cub was rescued by Forest Officials when he was separated from his mother by a massive forest fire.

An animal welfare supporter cradles the rescued cub with permission from the wildlife wardens.

If you are going hiking, trekking and camping this summer, play your part in keeping fires out of the forest. Enjoy yourself — good hunting (with your camera!) – tread gently and NO FOREST FIRES PLEASE.
Remember : “Wilderness made man but man cannot make wilderness. He can only spare it.” David Brower.


  1. feel very sorry for the leopard cub. do you really think that poaching can be stopped...i really wonder. hope the cub is where he should be..in safe hands.. poaching is a big nexus between the politicians and the poachers..nothing happens in this country without the cooperation of politicians, even the pakistani infiltration across the border????!!!(noel)

  2. even the forest fires.. people deliberately set up these fires ...this is what i've heard from the locals.. crores have been spent on the cleaning of yamuna in delhi. India needs a dictator.. indians can't handle freedom.. ask any old timer and he'll tell you that British Raj was far better. Slavery is when you go to a govt. official and you are given the run around from this window to that. Great work is being done by you people..power to you..But really can't say how far will your dedicated efforts go to protect our beautiful land????????!!!!!!

  3. It does not matter to me as to how far AnWel will be able to go or the degree of success we might achieve. It is definitely an uphill task. But we have got to start somewhere - and start right now. Critics and the faint-hearted will always be there. God bless them! They could temper our decisions and put caution to our paths.

    Please see the posting, "A Little Crazy".
